Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Teacha

This is the saddest world in all of the universe-
cause there's all these people.

I want to be
Just smart enough to realize I'm smarter than someone else
but not smart enough to know I'm a moron.

Does anyone else ever wonder when old school hip hop went out of style?
I mean, fine, I understand that the genre changes, and that modern style is going to be different now than it was twenty years ago. But, they still play classic rock and roll songs, they still play pop songs from the Eighties (unfortunately) why-come the DJ on the hip hop station never gives KRS-One a spin?
How come no one listens to a tribe called quest anymore?
I don't expect to see wu-tang on the top forty charts, but perhaps 50 cent should shutup and tip his (sideways) cap to the RZA, and the people who make the genre titles should stop calling pop songs Hip Hop and R&B simply because they've got people on the mic rapping about shooting shit and having unsafe sex in dirty clubs.
It's not that I don't like anything simply because it's new. Mos def is current, Immortal technique is current. Hell, they sound current, too. They don't sound like 1988 Boogie Down Productions. They've got the new sound, heavy on the bass drum, cleaner sounding, I dig it. To me, it's not about when you're around, and what everyone around you is doing, it's a matter of what you're aiming for.
Hip-Hop never was about being rich and powerful, just as it never was about being black or white. Pop music always has been about being rich, and getting richer by producing albums which sell, instead of writing music that's good.
So, pop stations can play 50 cent 9 times a minute, once per every bullet hole he's got.
I'll keep listening to the philosopher, cause if he shot fitty once, that sucker would be dead.

1 comment:

  1. This isn't much of a blog! One note in more than a month. LAME>>>!
