Thursday, March 24, 2011

Don't criticize what you can't understand: You better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone

Newspapers have got to find a way to survive in the new market of the internet age. People want information, they want it for free, and they don't want to look too hard.
Bob Woodward doesn't like facebook, and thinks google killed the newspaper. He may be right about that last part.
If you remember Hilary Clinton's comments about the state of our media, you may remember her saying that Al Jazeera appears to be a better than american news.
Hilary points out that it covers a wider variety of relevant news topics for a broader audience without "feeling like you're listening to a bunch of talking heads."
May i point out that it even has a live stream available for free, online, in ENGLISH!

Score one for Al Jazeera.


  1. I don't follow Al Jazeera but i have heard several times that it's far superior to American news. I also heard Hilary make those comments praising Al Jazeera. I plan on checking it out and seeing for myself but can someone please give me some more reasons why it is so much better than US news. Even if it does cover a "wider variety of relevent news topics for a broader audience", thats nice but i dont think that automatically makes it better. I'd like to know more about how they actually cover that wide variety of relevent news for such a broad audience......

  2. There are also some possible issues with Al Jazeera. The English site is pretty good and gave good information during the protests. However, I have heard from different sources that the Arabic version of the site is very different from the English version. It seems to be common knowledge that Middle Eastern media and politicians use a double-language: one for the West, and one for their people. So I would not be too quick to praise Al Jazeera on the whole, even if the English version, meant for the West, has ben doing a decent job during their coverage of specific stories. The fact that they can provide a lot of content for free may be the result of some powerful donors who went people in the West to read Al Jazeera. Maybe American media doesn't have access to the same amount of money from private donors, which would cause them to charge some of their services.

  3. Well, regarding the shrinking newspaper market, does al jazeera offer one in English? because if they do It would be interesting to see if their broader perspective could help stem or even reverse the expected loss of customers.
